I love Geography
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posting 3 (10-15 agustus)

xd maria vita asri pranan
xd raden rama widya karti
mahdiyah D.R XD
sesilih panuntun jati xd
X-D -Andrea Adyajati Kira
xd Agni Miranti
XD Tyastiana Arbianisa
XD_Erlia Pratiwi
XD Harsiwi Nur Hidayati
purba jati arum s XD
Pandhu cahya XD
xD Rino Surya W
Xd yudan harry sandika
XD -Ag.K.Vishnuaji-
fajar sugiarto
Yorsi Nuzulia
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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty posting 3 (10-15 agustus)

Post by Yorsi Nuzulia Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:43 am

1. sebutkan 4 macam prinsip- prinsip geografi yang telah kita pelajari!
2. bagaimana perbedaan dari pendekatan keruangan dan kelingkungan? cat
Yorsi Nuzulia
Yorsi Nuzulia

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty answer me , fajar sugiarto x-d / 13

Post by fajar sugiarto Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:35 pm

answer me :

1. four prinsiple of geography are :
1.first, Dissemination Prinsiple ( Prinsip Persebaran), that is prinsiple that learn about dissemination about human, flora and fauna in earth surface, because differentiation natural condition. for example: people in Afrika is Negroid, altough people in Asia is Mongoloid, Flora and Fauna in Indonesia are three clasified, jati trees life in java.
2. second, Interelation Prinsiple ( Prinsip Interelasi) , that is prinsiple that learn about relation that interaction between action 1 with other action. For example overflow happen because over fall of rain.
3. thrid , Description prinsiple ( Prinsip Deskripsi), that is prinsiple that teach further information about action that happen. For example, data abou action with diagram, picture and table.
4. fourth, Korologi Prinsiple ( Prinsip Korologi ), that is prinsiple about symphton in fact and problem geography observation for dissemination interelation. For example : tea life in mountain range.

2. Different pendekatan keruangan ( space phenomenological) and pendekatan kelingkungan ( circles phenomenological) that is :
space phenological only learn about things that own on this space not caracterictic. this phenomological casually use 5 w + 1 h, but circles phenomological learn this space phenomological with also interaction and teach them.

fajar sugiarto

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty Re: posting 3 (10-15 agustus)

Post by XD -Ag.K.Vishnuaji- Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:52 pm

1. four prinsiple of geography are :

1. Dissemination Prinsiple ( Prinsip Persebaran), that is prinsiple that learn about dissemination about human, flora and fauna in earth surface, because differentiation natural condition. for example: people in Afrika is Negroid, altough people in Asia is Mongoloid, Flora and Fauna in Indonesia are three clasified, jati trees life in java.
2. Interelation Prinsiple ( Prinsip Interelasi) , that is prinsiple that learn about relation that interaction between action 1 with other action. For example overflow happen because over fall of rain.
3. Description prinsiple ( Prinsip Deskripsi), that is prinsiple that teach further information about action that happen. For example, data abou action with diagram, picture and table.
4. Korologi Prinsiple ( Prinsip Korologi ), that is prinsiple about symphton in fact and problem geography observation for dissemination interelation. For example : tea life in mountain range.

2. Different pendekatan keruangan ( space phenomenological) and pendekatan kelingkungan ( circles phenomenological) that is :
space phenological only learn about things that own on this space not caracterictic. this phenomological casually use 5 w + 1 h, but circles phenomological learn this space phenomological with also interaction and teach them.

XD -Ag.K.Vishnuaji-

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty Re: posting 3 (10-15 agustus)

Post by XD/TIFANI MARIAMITA NADIF Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:05 pm

1. four prinsiple of geography are :

1. Dissemination Prinsiple ( Prinsip Persebaran), that is prinsiple that learn about dissemination about human, flora and fauna in earth surface, because differentiation natural condition. for example: people in Afrika is Negroid, altough people in Asia is Mongoloid, Flora and Fauna in Indonesia are three clasified, jati trees life in java.
2. Interelation Prinsiple ( Prinsip Interelasi) , that is prinsiple that learn about relation that interaction between action 1 with other action. For example overflow happen because over fall of rain.
3. Description prinsiple ( Prinsip Deskripsi), that is prinsiple that teach further information about action that happen. For example, data abou action with diagram, picture and table.
4. Korologi Prinsiple ( Prinsip Korologi ), that is prinsiple about symphton in fact and problem geography observation for dissemination interelation. For example : tea life in mountain range.

2. Different pendekatan keruangan ( space phenomenological) and pendekatan kelingkungan ( circles phenomenological) that is :
space phenological only learn about things that own on this space not caracterictic. this phenomological casually use 5 w + 1 h, but circles phenomological learn this space phenomological with also interaction and teach them. Very Happy Very Happy


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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty Re: posting 3 (10-15 agustus)

Post by Xd yudan harry sandika Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:54 pm


principle in geography among other :

1. principle Penyebaran(distributing)

Merupakan prinsip dasar dalam mengkaji setiap gejala dan fakta geography, baik gejala alam maupun manusia. Prinsip ini memandang bahwa setiap gejala dan fakta di permukaan bumi tersebar secara tidak merata antara satu wilayah dengan wilayah lainnya. Suatu gejala geography bisa terlhat terkumpul dalam jumlah yang padat dan banyak, tetapi di satu tempat lain terlihat sangat jarang dan sedikit.

Misalnya : persebaran pola permukiman penduduk

2. Principle Interelasi

Digunakan untuk melihat pola hubungan antara satu gejala dengan gejala lainnya, meliputi hubungan antara :

a. Faktor fisik dengan faktor fisik lainnya

Misal : hubungan antara mata air panas dengan energi panas bumi di sekitar gunung berapi

b. Faktor fisik dengan faktor manusia

Misal : hubungan antara manusia dengan cara bertani di lahan miring dengan membuat terasering (sengkedan)

c. Faktor manusia dengan faktor manusia lainnya.

Misal : mengkaji tentang kehidupan di desa dengan jenis mata pencaharian

Dengan memperhatikan pola hubungan antar gejala dan fakta geography pada suatu wilayah, akan dapat diketahui karakteristik gejala-gejala tersebut secara kualitatif. Dengan bantuan ilmu statistik, hubungan antar fenomena dapat di analisa/diukur secara kuantitatif

3. Principle Deskripsi

Merupakan prinsip yang menggambarkan lebih jauh terhadap persebaran dan hubungan interelasi antara fakta dan gejala di permukaan bumi. Untuk menyajikan gejala secara komprehensif dapat dimulai dengan mengajukan pertanyaan 5W1H, sedangkan bentuk penyajiannya dapat berupa kata-kata, tulisan, tabel, grafik dan peta.

4. Principle Keruangan (Korologi)

Merupakan prinsip yang meninjau gejala, fakta dan masalah geografi dari penyebaran, interelasi dan interaksinya dalam ruang. Ruang dalam sudut pandang geografi adalah permukaan bumi secara keseluruhan yang membentuk suatu fungsi.

albino Arrow [i]


Pendekatan keruangan merupakan suatu cara pandang atau kerangka analisis yang menekankan eksistensi ruang sebagai penekanan. Eksisitensi ruang dalam perspektif geografi dapat dipandang dari struktur (spatial structure), pola (spatial pattern), dan proses.
Dalam kelingkungan penekanannya bukan lagi pada eksistensi ruang, namun pada keterkaitan antara fenomena geosfera tertentu dengan varaibel lingkungan yang ada. Dalam pendekatan kelingkungan, kerangka analisisnya tidak mengkaitkan hubungan antara makluk hidup dengan lingkungan alam saja, tetapi harus pula dikaitkan dengan (1) fenomena yang didalamnya terliput fenomena alam beserta relik fisik tindakan manusia. (2) perilaku manusia yang meliputi perkembangan ide-ide dan nilai-nilai geografis serta kesadaran akan lingkungan.
Xd yudan harry sandika
Xd yudan harry sandika

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty Re: posting 3 (10-15 agustus)

Post by xD Rino Surya W Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:55 pm

prinsip-prinsip geography
1. prinsip persebaran : perbedaan antara jenis,sifat dan apa saja yang membedakan tergantung tempat tinggalnya. seperti contoh persebaran penduduk, persebaran flora dan fauna

2. prinsip interrelasi : seperti mendata karakteristik suatu wilayah dengan fakta dan gejala gejala geografi yang kualitatif

3. prinsip deskripsi : ini merupakan salah satu prinsip terpenting dalam geografi, untuk mendriskripsikan suatu tempat/wilayah perlu adanya prinsip ini. contohnya peta

4. prinsip keruang : merupakan prinsip gabungan dari prinsip persebaran, interrelasi, dan deskripsi

different pendekatan keruang and pendekatan kelingkungan

pendekatan kelingkungan lebih luas dari pada pendekatan keruang.
Bedanya dapat dikatakan seperti perbedaan antara ekosistem dengsn komunitas.

jika ekosistem meliputi abiotik dan biotik, tetapi jika komunitas hanya biotik

xD Rino Surya W

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty my Answer from thrid meeting , ageand meggie r . number 2 . . .

Post by XD AGIAN MEGI R Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:24 pm

1. There are 4 principles of geography, namely:

a. The principle
Symptoms of the natural geography, plants, animals, and humans do not spread evenly in the face of the earth.
Example: Lead in Bangka Island, mangrove trees on the beach.

b. Principles Interelasi
Complementary relationship between the symptoms related to the other one with the other symptoms in one particular room. Example: bald forests occur because illegal logging.

c. Principles Korologi (Finance)
This principle that every phenomenon - phenomenon, the fact - a fact, and the problem - the problem of geographic distribution is reviewed, interelasinya, and the interaction and relationship, there is space on the particular. Example: Rice live in the fertile lowland areas.

d. Principles of Descriptive
Principle to give lessons or more about the picture gejal - symptoms, or problems - problems I be in the form of written or word - a word I can equipped with: charts, graphs, tables, pictures, and maps.

2. Different neared of geography

a. Keruangan, the analysis is to note the distribution, use of space and space planning. Affairs in the analysis of collected data space disuatu place or region that consists of a data point (point), the data field (area) and the data line (line) includes roads and rivers.

b. Kelingkungan, namely to apply the concept of ecosystem in the geography of a problem, phenomenon, the style and have a problem with the physical aspects of the human aspects in a room.

Thank's Before miss yorsi . . . . .
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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty Re: posting 3 (10-15 agustus)

Post by XD-Dewo Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:36 pm

There are 4 principle in Geogaphy

1.Disseminate principle
It’s learn about phenomenon & reality of geography.In every different place, the phenomenon of geography is different.

2.Interelation principle
It used to learn something phenomenon with another phenomenon.
Ex= nature-nature ,nature-human ,human-human.

3.Description principle
A principle that show about the relation between phenomenon & reality of geography.

4.Korologi principle
It’s learn a phenomenon, reality & problem of geography from the disseminate, interrelation ,& interaction in a room.Room according the perspektif of geography as our Earth..

The Difference of pendekatan keruangan & kelingkungan
space phenological only learn about things that own on this space not caracterictic. this phenomological casually use 5 w + 1 h, but circles phenomological learn this space phenomological with also interaction and teach them.

“Nyonto kualad lho !100”
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Post by Pandhu cahya XD Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:16 pm


1.Prinsiple or Distribution
Dissemination Prinsiple (principle of distribution), that is that prinsiple Dissemination learn about about human, flora and fauna in the earth surface, because differentiation natural condition. for example: people in Africa is Negroid, altough people in Asia is Mongoloid, Flora and Fauna in India are three clasified, life teak trees in java.

2.Prinsiple Interelasi
Interelasi meaning or relevance of the relationship between symptoms of facts, or events that are in a region or tempat.contoh:
a.Wilayah around the volcano is usually a fertile agricultural land. this happens because the volcano many gray issue vulkanik akan matrix that is rich in nutrients that need food.
b.Sebagian large coastal population bermatapencaharian as fishermen.

3.Prinsiple Description
Description means the description or the picture. fenoma natural and human aspects have keterkaitan.keterkaitan between nature (the environment) and human aspects can diDiskripsikan. Pendiskripsian phenomena through the facts, symptoms, and problems, because-due, in qualitative and quantitative with the help of maps, graphs, and diagrams.

4.Prinsiple Korologi is knowledge about the areas in the surface of the Earth. A region with other regions have similarities dsan difference. This is a characteristic of a specific region. Korologi principle is the principle of integration between the principles of the distribution, interelasi, and Diskripsi. Learn the principles korologi symptoms, facts or events with attention to geographic distribution, interelasinya, and intereaksinya in space. For example, Java Island is the producer of rice in Indonesia. Why? because there are bred on the island volcano so that the land is fertile.

Differences Pendakataan Keruangan and the Environment

1.Pendekataan keruangan only in knowing how to do with the characteristics or phenomena in a certain area.
2. Pendekatan lingkungan only learn about things that own space on this caracterictic not. this phenomological casually use 5 w + 1 h, but circles phenomological learn with this space phenomological interaction and also teach them



Pandhu cahya XD

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Post by purba jati arum s XD Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:21 pm

this is my answer

principle of geography are :

1. The Dissemination principle

Is a basic principle in each of the symptoms and the fact geography, both natural and human phenomenon. This principle is that the look and the fact every symptom in the earth's surface is not evenly spread between the one region with other regions. A geographic phenomenon can be seen in the amount collected and many dense, but in the one place to another is very rare and small.

For example: the population distribution pattern of settlement

2. description principle

further explanation of these phenomena in detail along with images, tables, diagrams, maps etc.
Used to see a pattern of relationship between symptoms with other symptoms, including the relationship between:

3. principles interelasi
a. Physical factors with other physical factors

For example: the relationship between hot springs with geothermal energy in the vicinity of volcanoes

b. Physical factors with the human factor

For example: the relationship between the way people farm in the sloping land to create terracing

c. Human factors with other human factors.

4. principles korologi

Is the principle of reviewing the symptoms, facts and issues geography of the spread, interelasi and interaction in space. Space in geography is the point of view of the surface of the earth as a whole is a function.

answer the second question

differences of spatial approach and ecological approach

spatial approach is a method of analysis that emphasize the analysis on the existence of space work that accommodate human.And ecological approach emphasis is not on the existence of space, but on the relation between certain phenomena geosfera with the existing environment variabel

purba jati arum sari XD

thank you................

Very Happy Smile king afro

purba jati arum s XD

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Post by XD Harsiwi Nur Hidayati Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:47 pm

my answer:

A.4 principle of geography, they are:

1. dissemination principle
this principle say about dissemination flora and fauna in earth.
example: tobaco can life in Irian, beside it tea can life in west java(high land)

2. interelasi principle
relationship between one symptoms with other symptoms in a particular space
example: landslide because rain fall and absence of sengkedan

3. korologi principle
symptoms, facts, and issues of ditribution to be reivewed and interelasi interaction in which there is a unity in a certain space
example: tea can life in highland

4. descriptive principle
provide an explanation or further description of symptoms with learned
example: chart, graphic, tables, picture and map


1. ecological: about phenomena or charateristic earth
2. spatial: about analisys emphasize and existance of space work that accomodate man

answer from harsiwi xd

XD Harsiwi Nur Hidayati

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Post by XD_Erlia Pratiwi Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:52 pm

a).Prinsip-prinsip dalam ilmu Geografi antara lain :

1. Prinsip Penyebaran

Merupakan prinsip dasar dalam mengkaji setiap gejala dan fakta geografi, baik gejala alam maupun manusia. Prinsip ini memandang bahwa setiap gejala dan fakta di permukaan bumi tersebar secara tidak merata antara satu wilayah dengan wilayah lainnya. Suatu gejala geografi bisa terlhat terkumpul dalam jumlah yang padat dan banyak, tetapi di satu tempat lain terlihat sangat jarang dan sedikit.

Misalnya : persebaran pola permukiman penduduk

2. Prinsip Interelasi

Digunakan untuk melihat pola hubungan antara satu gejala dengan gejala lainnya, meliputi hubungan antara :

a. Faktor fisik dengan faktor fisik lainnya

Misal : hubungan antara mata air panas dengan energi panas bumi di sekitar gunung berapi

b. Faktor fisik dengan faktor manusia

Misal : hubungan antara manusia dengan cara bertani di lahan miring dengan membuat terasering (sengkedan)

c. Faktor manusia dengan faktor manusia lainnya.

Misal : mengkaji tentang kehidupan di desa dengan jenis mata pencaharian

Dengan memperhatikan pola hubungan antar gejala dan fakta geografi pada suatu wilayah, akan dapat diketahui karakteristik gejala-gejala tersebut secara kualitatif. Dengan bantuan ilmu statistik, hubungan antar fenomena dapat di analisa/diukur secara kuantitatif

3. Prinsip Deskripsi

Merupakan prinsip yang menggambarkan lebih jauh terhadap persebaran dan hubungan interelasi antara fakta dan gejala di permukaan bumi. Untuk menyajikan gejala secara komprehensif dapat dimulai dengan mengajukan pertanyaan 5W1H, sedangkan bentuk penyajiannya dapat berupa kata-kata, tulisan, tabel, grafik dan peta.

4. Prinsip Keruangan (Korologi)

Merupakan prinsip yang meninjau gejala, fakta dan masalah geografi dari penyebaran, interelasi dan interaksinya dalam ruang. Ruang dalam sudut pandang geografi adalah permukaan bumi secara keseluruhan yang membentuk suatu fungsi.

(b). Different neared of geography

a. Keruangan, the analysis is to note the distribution, use of space and space planning. Affairs in the analysis of collected data space in place or region that consists of a data point (point), the data field (area) and the data line (line) includes roads and rivers.

b. Kelingkungan, namely to apply the concept of ecosystem in the geography of a problem, phenomenon, the style and have a problem with the physical aspects of the human aspects in a room.
sumber: my answer

Thanxz miss Yorsi........

XD_Erlia Pratiwi

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty Re: posting 3 (10-15 agustus)

Post by XD Tyastiana Arbianisa Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:30 pm

1) 4 Macam Prinsip-Prinsip Geografi yang telah kita pelajari:
*Prinsip Persebaran

*Prinsip Interrelasi

*Prinsip Deskripsi

*Prinsip Korologi (keruangan)

2) Perbedaan dari pendekatan keruangan dan kelingkungan:
Kalau pendekatan adalah interaksi yang hanya berhubungan dalam satu ruang saja dengan berpedoman 5W+1H,ex: papan tulis, meja, kursi. Sedangkan pendekatan kelingkungan adalah interaksi yang berhubungan antara ruang+lingkungan+makhluk hidup yang ada dan tetap berpedoman pada 5W+1H,ex:sepetak tanah pasti dimanfaatkan oleh manusia.

_sorry miss Yorsi jika aq banyak salahnya_
Laughing Laughing Laughing

XD Tyastiana Arbianisa

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Post by xd Agni Miranti Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:13 pm

1. Principles of geography
a. Principle spread there is an indication and fact that spread not flat in earth surface that closed to spread out nature, plants, animals, and human.
b. Principle interrelation there is a relating one another mutual linked together in room, between indication that one with other indication.
c. Principle description there is cleared more distance about indications that studied.
d. Principle chorology, there is indication, fact, or problem of geography in a place that observed spread, that interrelation, that interaction, and that integration in special room, because that room is going to give characteristic to one indication it.

a. Spatial approach there is approach what that there is in the room like nature, plants, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, etcetera. In meaning structure abiotic in a place.
b. Circle approach there is approach spatial but circle that ready there is human. In approach circle not only about lithosphere, atmosphere or hydrosphere , but human too. In meaning structure abiotic and biotic in a place already exist. First question on this approach is how activity human in a region that linked together.

xd Agni Miranti

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Post by X-D -Andrea Adyajati Kira Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:58 pm

4 principle in geography:
1. dissemination of principle
2. interelasi of principle
3. description of principle
4. chorology of principle

the differences of pendekatan keruangan and kelingkungan is:
pendekatan keruangan is interaction that just related in 1 space, guided by 5w+1h.
and pendekatan kelingkungan is interaction that compare with the space, area, and living thing and constant guided by 5w+1h.

X-D -Andrea Adyajati Kira
X-D -Andrea Adyajati Kira

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty jawabanku

Post by sesilih panuntun jati xd Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:04 pm

Prinsip-Prinsip Geografi :

1. Prinsip persebaran
2. Prinsip interelasi
3. Prinsip Deskripsi
4. Prinsip Korologi (keruangan)

Perbedaan dari pendekatan Keruangan dan kelingkungan

* Pendekatan keruangan : interaksi yang hanya berhubungan dengan yang ada di suatu ruang.
example : buku, meja, etc.

* Pendekatan Kelingkungan : adanya interaksi antaraa ruang lingkungan + makhluk hidup.

sesilih panuntun jati xd

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Post by mahdiyah D.R XD Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:42 pm

The principles in the science of Geography, among others:

1. The principle

Is a basic principle in each of the symptoms and the fact geography, both natural and human phenomenon. This principle is that the look and the fact every symptom in the earth's surface is not evenly spread between the one region with other regions. Geography can be a symptom terlhat in the amount collected and many dense, but in the one place to another is very rare and small.

For example: the population distribution pattern of settlement

2. Principles Interelasi

Used to see a pattern of relationship between symptoms with other symptoms, including the relationship between:

a. Physical factors with other physical factors

For example: the relationship between hot springs with geothermal energy in the vicinity of volcanoes

b. Physical factors with the human factor

For example: the relationship between the way people farm in the sloping land to create terracing (sengkedan)

c. Human factors with other human factors.

Eg about the life in the village with the type of livelihood

With attention to the relationship between symptom pattern and the fact the geography of a region, will be able to know the characteristics of these symptoms are qualitative. With the help of statistical science, the relationship between the phenomena in the analysis can / be measured in quantitative

3. Principle Description

It is a principle that describes the distribution of more and interelasi relationship between the facts and symptoms in the earth's surface. To provide a comprehensive symptoms may begin with the question 5W1H, while penyajiannya can be a form of words, writing, tables, graphs and maps.

4. Principles Keruangan (Korologi)

Is the principle of reviewing the symptoms, facts and issues geography of the spread, interelasi and interaction in space. Space in geography is the point of view of the surface of the earth as a whole is a function.
source: google.com

(b). Different neared geography of

a. Keruangan, the analysis is to note the distribution, use of space and space planning. Affairs in the analysis of collected data in space place or region that consists of a data point (point), the data field (area) and the data line (line) includes Roads and rivers.

b. Kelingkungan, namely to apply the concept of ecosystem in the geography of a problem, phenomenon, the style and have a problem with the physical aspects of the human aspects in a room.
source: from my mind

mahdiyah D.R XD

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Post by xd raden rama widya karti Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:32 pm

1.The principles in the science of Geography, among others:

1. The principle

Is a basic principle in each of the symptoms and the fact geography, both natural and human phenomenon. This principle is that the look and the fact every symptom in the earth's surface is not evenly spread between the one region with other regions. Geography can be a symptom terlhat in the amount collected and many dense, but in the one place to another is very rare and small.

For example: the population distribution pattern of settlement

2. Principles Interelasi

Used to see a pattern of relationship between symptoms with other symptoms, including the relationship between:

a. Physical factors with other physical factors

For example: the relationship between hot springs with geothermal energy in the vicinity of volcanoes

b. Physical factors with the human factor

For example: the relationship between the way people farm in the sloping land to create terracing (sengkedan)

c. Human factors with other human factors.

Eg about the life in the village with the type of livelihood

With attention to the relationship between symptom pattern and the fact the geography of a region, will be able to know the characteristics of these symptoms are qualitative. With the help of statistical science, the relationship between the phenomena in the analysis can / be measured in quantitative

3. Principle Description

It is a principle that describes the distribution of more and interelasi relationship between the facts and symptoms in the earth's surface. To provide a comprehensive symptoms may begin with the question 5W1H, while penyajiannya can be a form of words, writing, tables, graphs and maps.

4. Principles Keruangan (Korologi)

Is the principle of reviewing the symptoms, facts and issues geography of the spread, interelasi and interaction in space. Space in geography is the point of view of the surface of the earth as a whole is a function.
source: google.com

(b). Different neared geography of

a. Keruangan, the analysis is to note the distribution, use of space and space planning. Affairs in the analysis of collected data in space place or region that consists of a data point (point), the data field (area) and the data line (line) includes Roads and rivers.

b. Kelingkungan, namely to apply the concept of ecosystem in the geography of a problem, phenomenon, the style and have a problem with the physical aspects of the human aspects in a room.
source: www.google.com :suspect Arrow

xd raden rama widya karti

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Post by xd maria vita asri pranan Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:35 pm

a).Prinsip-prinsip dalam ilmu Geografi antara lain :

1. Prinsip Penyebaran

Merupakan prinsip dasar dalam mengkaji setiap gejala dan fakta geografi, baik gejala alam maupun manusia. Prinsip ini memandang bahwa setiap gejala dan fakta di permukaan bumi tersebar secara tidak merata antara satu wilayah dengan wilayah lainnya. Suatu gejala geografi bisa terlhat terkumpul dalam jumlah yang padat dan banyak, tetapi di satu tempat lain terlihat sangat jarang dan sedikit.

Misalnya : persebaran pola permukiman penduduk

2. Prinsip Interelasi

Digunakan untuk melihat pola hubungan antara satu gejala dengan gejala lainnya, meliputi hubungan antara :

a. Faktor fisik dengan faktor fisik lainnya

Misal : hubungan antara mata air panas dengan energi panas bumi di sekitar gunung berapi

b. Faktor fisik dengan faktor manusia

Misal : hubungan antara manusia dengan cara bertani di lahan miring dengan membuat terasering (sengkedan)

c. Faktor manusia dengan faktor manusia lainnya.

Misal : mengkaji tentang kehidupan di desa dengan jenis mata pencaharian

Dengan memperhatikan pola hubungan antar gejala dan fakta geografi pada suatu wilayah, akan dapat diketahui karakteristik gejala-gejala tersebut secara kualitatif. Dengan bantuan ilmu statistik, hubungan antar fenomena dapat di analisa/diukur secara kuantitatif

3. Prinsip Deskripsi

Merupakan prinsip yang menggambarkan lebih jauh terhadap persebaran dan hubungan interelasi antara fakta dan gejala di permukaan bumi. Untuk menyajikan gejala secara komprehensif dapat dimulai dengan mengajukan pertanyaan 5W1H, sedangkan bentuk penyajiannya dapat berupa kata-kata, tulisan, tabel, grafik dan peta.

4. Prinsip Keruangan (Korologi)

Merupakan prinsip yang meninjau gejala, fakta dan masalah geografi dari penyebaran, interelasi dan interaksinya dalam ruang. Ruang dalam sudut pandang geografi adalah permukaan bumi secara keseluruhan yang membentuk suatu fungsi.

(b). Different neared of geography

a. Keruangan, the analysis is to note the distribution, use of space and space planning. Affairs in the analysis of collected data space in place or region that consists of a data point (point), the data field (area) and the data line (line) includes roads and rivers.

b. Kelingkungan, namely to apply the concept of ecosystem in the geography of a problem, phenomenon, the style and have a problem with the physical aspects of the human aspects in a room.
sumber: my answer

xd maria vita asri pranan

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty Re: posting 3 (10-15 agustus)

Post by X-D Arya Bagus Pratama Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:12 pm

1. four prinsiple of geography are :
1. Dissemination Prinsiple ( Prinsip Persebaran), that is prinsiple that learn about dissemination about human, flora and fauna in earth surface, because differentiation natural condition. for example: people in Afrika is Negroid, altough people in Asia is Mongoloid, Flora and Fauna in Indonesia are three clasified, jati trees life in java.
2. Interelation Prinsiple ( Prinsip Interelasi) , that is prinsiple that learn about relation that interaction between action 1 with other action. For example overflow happen because over fall of rain.
3. Description prinsiple ( Prinsip Deskripsi), that is prinsiple that teach further information about action that happen. For example, data abou action with diagram, picture and table.
4. Korologi Prinsiple ( Prinsip Korologi ), that is prinsiple about symphton in fact and problem geography observation for dissemination interelation. For example : tea life in mountain range.

2. Different neared of geography

a. Keruangan, the analysis is to note the distribution, use of space and space planning. Affairs in the analysis of collected data space disuatu place or region that consists of a data point (point), the data field (area) and the data line (line) includes roads and rivers.

thank's miss . . . . . Laughing bounce Basketball sunny jocolor king I love you Laughing Razz tongue lol! lol! lol!
X-D Arya Bagus Pratama
X-D Arya Bagus Pratama

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty tugas 3

Post by wildhan hafid aghani X-D Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:05 pm

1. principles of the spreading
Was the principle of the foundation in studying each sign and the geography fact, both the sign of nature and humankind, this principle gaze at that each sign and the fact in the surface of the spread earth unevenly between one territory and the other territory, a sign of geography could terlhat is gather in the solid number and many, but in one other place are seen very rare and a little.
For example: the spread of the pattern of the settlement of the inhabitants

2. principles of the interrelation
Us to see the pattern of relations between one sign and the other sign, cover relations between:
A. the physical factor with the other physical factor the
example: relations between the hot spring and geothermal energy around the volcano
B. the physical factor with the example human factor: relations between humankind by means of engaging in farming in the askew land by making the terrace (sengkedan)
c. Faktor manusia dengan faktor manusia lainnya.
he example: studi about the life in the village with the livelihood kind
By paying attention to the pattern of relations between the sign and the geography fact to a territory, can be known by the characteristics of these signs qualitatively, with help of statistical knowledge, relations between the phenomenon could in analisadiukur quantitatively

3. principles of the description
Was the principle that depict more far towards the spread and interrelation relations between the fact and the sign in the surface of the earth, to present the sign comprehensively could be begun by putting forward the question 5w1h, whereas the form of his presentation could take the form of words, the article, the table, the graph and the map.

4. principles keruangan (korologi)
Hasil Terjemahan :
Was the principle that consider the sign, the fact and the problem of geography from the spreading, the interrelation and his interaction in space, space in the geography point of view is the surface of the earth on the whole that form a function.

Different the approach keruang and the approach kelingkungan the approach kelingkungan wider than the approach keruang. his difference could be said like the difference between the ecosystem dengsn the community.If the ecosystem cover abiotik and biotik, but if the community only biotik

Terakhir diubah oleh wildhan hafid aghani X-D tanggal Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:54 pm, total 1 kali diubah
wildhan hafid aghani X-D
wildhan hafid aghani X-D

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty GEOGRAFI 3

Post by Arino Pangestu Saputra X- Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:37 pm

four prinsiple of geography are :
1.first, Dissemination Prinsiple ( Prinsip Persebaran), that is prinsiple that learn about dissemination about human, flora and fauna in earth surface, because differentiation natural condition. for example: people in Afrika is Negroid, altough people in Asia is Mongoloid, Flora and Fauna in Indonesia are three clasified, jati trees life in java.
2. second, Interelation Prinsiple ( Prinsip Interelasi) , that is prinsiple that learn about relation that interaction between action 1 with other action. For example overflow happen because over fall of rain.
3. thrid , Description prinsiple ( Prinsip Deskripsi), that is prinsiple that teach further information about action that happen. For example, data abou action with diagram, picture and table.
4. fourth, Korologi Prinsiple ( Prinsip Korologi ), that is prinsiple about symphton in fact and problem geography observation for dissemination interelation. For example : tea life in mountain range.

2.) Pendekatan keruangan merupakan suatu cara pandang atau kerangka analisis yang menekankan eksistensi ruang sebagai penekanan. Eksisitensi ruang dalam perspektif geografi dapat dipandang dari struktur (spatial structure), pola (spatial pattern), dan proses.
Dalam kelingkungan penekanannya bukan lagi pada eksistensi ruang, namun pada keterkaitan antara fenomena geosfera tertentu dengan varaibel lingkungan yang ada. Dalam pendekatan kelingkungan, kerangka analisisnya tidak mengkaitkan hubungan antara makluk hidup dengan lingkungan alam saja, tetapi harus pula dikaitkan dengan (1) fenomena yang didalamnya terliput fenomena alam beserta relik fisik tindakan manusia. (2) perilaku manusia yang meliputi perkembangan ide-ide dan nilai-nilai geografis serta kesadaran akan lingkungan.

Arino Pangestu Saputra X-

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posting 3 (10-15 agustus) Empty GEOGRAFI 3

Post by deddy bouraqta X-D Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:48 pm


1.Prinsiple or Distribution
Dissemination Prinsiple (principle of distribution), that is that prinsiple Dissemination learn about about human, flora and fauna in the earth surface, because differentiation natural condition. for example: people in Africa is Negroid, altough people in Asia is Mongoloid, Flora and Fauna in India are three clasified, life teak trees in java.

2.Prinsiple Interelasi
Interelasi meaning or relevance of the relationship between symptoms of facts, or events that are in a region or tempat.contoh:
a.Wilayah around the volcano is usually a fertile agricultural land. this happens because the volcano many gray issue vulkanik akan matrix that is rich in nutrients that need food.
b.Sebagian large coastal population bermatapencaharian as fishermen.

3.Prinsiple Description
Description means the description or the picture. fenoma natural and human aspects have keterkaitan.keterkaitan between nature (the environment) and human aspects can diDiskripsikan. Pendiskripsian phenomena through the facts, symptoms, and problems, because-due, in qualitative and quantitative with the help of maps, graphs, and diagrams.

4.Prinsiple Korologi is knowledge about the areas in the surface of the Earth. A region with other regions have similarities dsan difference. This is a characteristic of a specific region. Korologi principle is the principle of integration between the principles of the distribution, interelasi, and Diskripsi. Learn the principles korologi symptoms, facts or events with attention to geographic distribution, interelasinya, and intereaksinya in space. For example, Java Island is the producer of rice in Indonesia. Why? because there are bred on the island volcano so that the land is fertile.

B.) Different neared of geography

a. Keruangan, the analysis is to note the distribution, use of space and space planning. Affairs in the analysis of collected data space in place or region that consists of a data point (point), the data field (area) and the data line (line) includes roads and rivers.

b. Kelingkungan, namely to apply the concept of ecosystem in the geography of a problem, phenomenon, the style and have a problem with the physical aspects of the human aspects in a room.
deddy bouraqta X-D
deddy bouraqta X-D

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